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The project is coordinated by the City of Modena (, the local authority governing Modena, a city of about 185.000 inhabitants located in Northern Italy.

Comune di Modena

The City of Modena


The project is coordinated by the City of Modena (, the local authority governing Modena, a city of about 185.000 inhabitants located in Northern Italy.

It is organised in several Departments, among which the Department for Equal Opportunities very active in the promotion of a gender culture, through the implementation of projects regarding reconciliation of work and family life, prevention and fight to violence against women and support to women's participation in public life.

In addition to the Department for Equal Opportunities, to other City of Modena offices are involved in the project:

  • Progetto Europa (, the European projects Office of the City of Modena is involved in LOG IN. This office is in charge of supporting all other City Departments in the submission of project proposals to the EU and in the administrative and financial management of the funded projects.
  • the Youth Policies Office ( promoting projects and initiatives addressed to young people with a great attention dedicated to the role of social networks in the current adolescents communication attitudes.




Centro Documentazione Donna di Modena

Centro Documentazione Donna di Modena


Centro Documentazione Donna di Modena ( (CDD) is a women's cultural non governmental association, located in Modena (Italy), with the aim of bringing out gender differences and promoting the point of view of women in all spheres of social, political and cultural life.

CDD encourages the participation of the civil society in the debate on women's issues and topics, identifies and proposes actions to improve the quality of life of women and enhance their skills.

It also fosters the transfer of women's expertise and values and promotes the circulation of information among associations, women's movements and local Equal Opportunities commissions. CDD works in strictly connection with public institutions, associations, stakeholders to promote gender mainstreaming in all fields.

The principal areas of intervention of CDD are:

  • cultural research: CDD includes a library specialized in women's studies: 9000 volumes of essays and fiction on gender and feminist studies, included in the SBN - National Library System Catalogue, and 150 periodical and journal on women studies;
  • historical archive: 3.500 documentary materials, 8.000 photographs, 1.100 posters, 940 videotapes and DVDs. All documentary materials witness the activities made both by individual women and by women's associations and movements at a local and national level starting from the post war period.
  • provincial network of women's Help Desk (Informadonna);
  • laboratory on social research which, through cultural, training and orientation actions, tries to encourage changes in society;
  • gender political school.

The association has a governing body that decides the policies, in according to all the members.

All CDD activities are carried out from experts in gender mainstreaming.




Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies

Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies


The Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies ( (MIGS) is a non-profit organization based in Cyprus committed to the elimination of discrimination against women using a combination of research, advocacy and lobbying, as well as trainings, conferences, and other activities.

MIGS promotes initiatives which strengthen and enhance civil society participation and empower women, especially in the process of governance. Priority is given to issues of involvement of women in local, national and European level; engaging minority and socially excluded groups in training and debate in order to help promote diverse public dialogue; combating gender discrimination and domestic violence; enhancing and promoting social empowerment, human rights and people’s diplomacy. MIGS operates in collaboration with organisations and individuals from other Mediterranean and European Union countries.

MIGS concentrates on the following thematic priority areas of activity: violence against women; trafficking in women; women’s in decision making; gender equality in economic and social policies; women and migration; women and the media; women’s rights in an international context.

MIGS receives funding from the European Commission, the Global Fund for Women, the Ministry of Justice and Public Order, the US Embassy, UNDP - Cyprus and other donors.



Women’s Issues Information Centre

Women’s Issues Information Centre


The Women’s Issues Information Centre ( (WIIC) is an NGO, actively promoting gender issues in Lithuania, and one of the best working umbrella women’s NGOs in Lithuania since 1996.

The WIIC established in order to promote and advocate equal rights and opportunities for women and men, to improve women’s position in social and private lives, as well as, to develop gender equality environment and to serve women’s NGOs and individuals by providing information, publications, consultations, trainings for women.

Goals of the Women`s Issues Information Centre are:

  • to seek equal rights and opportunities for women and men in Lithuania;
  • to improve women’s position in social and private lives;
  • to develop a gender equality culture.

Main streamlines of WIIC activities are gender mainstreaming; violence against women; trafficking in women; reconciliation of family and career; promotion of women in business.




Association for Liberty and Equality of Gender

Association for Liberty and Equality of Gender


Association for Liberty and Equality of Gender ( (A.L.E.G.) is a nongovernmental organisation set up in 2004 in Sibiu (Romania) with the mission to promote gender equality and fighting gender-based violence, like domestic violence, sexual abuse or trafficking of women and girls.

A.L.E.G in Romanian means “I choose” in Romanian to express one of this organisation’s core values: men and women should be able to choose their role in family and society free from prejudices.

This organisation provides social services, accredited by the Ministry of Labour, Social Solidarity and Family, focused in two main directions: counselling and support for victims of gender-based violence and advocacy and public awareness to promote gender equality and prevention of violence.

At international level, A.L.E.G. acts as focal point and member in the Coordination Committee of European WAVE network (Women Against Violence Europe), is a member of AWID (Association for Women’s Rights in Development) and of the ASTRA Network (Central and Eastern Europe Women’s Network).




The associate partners


In addition to the project partners, LOG IN involves the participation of some organisations that, as associated partners, support the project in different ways.

They are:

  • Fondazione San Filippo Neri - Modena (Italy)
  • Province of Modena - Modena (Italy)
  • Ufficio Scolastico Provinciale di Modena - Modena (Italy)
  • University of Genoa - Genoa (Italy)
  • Emilia-Romagna Region - Bologna (Italy)
  • Red Cross Sibiu - Sibiu (Romania)
  • Sibiu County Schools Inspectorate - Sibiu (Romania)
  • Sibiu County Police - Sibiu (Romania)
  • Solidarité Femmes et Refuge pour les femmes battues - La Louviere (Belgium)
  • Reves network - Bruxelles (Belgium)
  • Gouvernement de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles - Direction de l’Egalité des chances - Bruxelles (Belgium)